Performance Horse and Hemp

Fallon Francis & Caspian BBR World Finals 2023-5

Hemp for Performance Horses (And Their Riders)

Performance horses are often pushed to their limits, asked to perform at elite levels – using their muscles, joints, tendons synergistically together. Owners of performance horses are attuned to their horses needs – most often being proactive in their health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, inflammation is a primary cause of issues performance horses face – in their joints, muscles and tendons. Inflammation also significantly increases post workout/performance recovery time and can cause all sorts of problems for these athletes. Most aids used to combat inflammation (phenylbutazone, Equioxx, Adequan, etc) are not practical long term or may come with other unwanted side effects, leaving horses uncomfortable and owners feeling defeated. . . 

Rocky Mtn Girls Hemp for horses offers a BETTER way! Horse owners across the WORLD are turning to hemp for a natural, compassionate alternative for their performance horses. Without negative side effects and potential  benefits, hemp offers horse owners another option!

Both animals and people produce chemical compounds through their endocannabinoid system that are similar to hemp extracts that act naturally in the body by activating receptors (CB1 & CB2), boosting the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). A healthy ECS naturally combats inflammation, promotes muscle healing and recovery, and helps athletes (people and horses alike) perform at their best consistently! Not to mention, they’ll grab the attention of everybody when they step into the area with a level head and extra glossy coat! 

Fallon & Caspian 2022 PAFRA World Championship

Horses aren’t the only athletes involved in equine performance sports – their riders are athletes in and of themselves — and just like your horse, you also deal with pre-performance jitters, sore muscles, and even injuries. A healthy ECS can help you to feel your absolute best in and out of the arena! Whether you are barrel racing, penning cows, roping a steer, sliding long11’s in the dirt, clearing fences, or climbing the side of the mountain!

Fallon Francis of FX3 Performance Horses has been using Rocky Mtn Girls Hemp products for her horses for years and wont go without! Here’s what Fallon has to say:

Interview with Fallon Francis of fx3 Performance Horses after performing at the Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association 2023 World Championship Rodeo in Clovis, NM

To learn more about this talented cowgirl and all her adventures, click here!

Shop Fallon’s Favorite Performance Products: 

Fallon Favorite Fallon FAV MTNMN 2000 MG Maple Fallon FAV Rocky Mtn Girls Hemp 50 MG CBD Cubes for Horses

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Rocky Mtn Girls Hemp products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.⚠️ Must be 21 years of age or older to purchase any ingestible full-spectrum hemp product in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.* Products do not ship to California intended for livestock

Source: University of South Carolina Feb. 22, 2023 “People produce endocannabinoids – similar to compounds found in cannabis – that are critical to many bodily functions”