RECOMMENDED: “Seek & Gather” by Dawn Francis

Seek & Gather_

RECOMMENDED -Seek & Gather for Spiritual Growth

Worship together, support, give & grow in your local church, but also seek and gather spiritual food from those called and commissioned by God to equip the saints to help you in your spiritual growth & daily life with Him.

You were designed to partake of His truth daily. Before reading your bible ask the Father to open your understanding to His Word, and come with a heart to learn.  I gain increased wisdom and understanding when I seek & gather messages to listen to and study from as well. Ask the Holy Spirit to witness truth to you, Jesus said He would be your Helper, Guide, teach you all things, bring every word He spoke to you into remembrance, and show you things to come.  Let Him know you believe Him, take Him seriously, be a student of the Word. There is no greater teacher than the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

TAKE NOTES from the messages you do listen to! LOOK UP SCRIPTURES, STUDY THEM, and the Holy Spirit will teach you and witness truth from words spoken that are in agreement with Jesus.  You will know them, who are called to equip the saints, they will build you up, disciple you into YOUR relationship with God through His Word.

Links to messages or ministers of the Word are recommended here (but not limited to!); along the way we have discovered them, and were filled by the goodness of God’s truth, wisdom & revelation knowledge, greatly encouraged in faith in God.  Seek in prayer & find a personality that suits you, and be open to what the Holy Spirit wants, maybe you don’t like the personality of a particular person, but he/she may be preaching a truth He wants you to grow in!

You are in charge of your spiritual food & growth; seeking, gathering and taking in the good news, and God gives the increase in understanding and the revelation of Jesus Christ as we work with Him. We are all called to share the gospel of the kingdom of God, and responsible to learn, grow & walk in the light we are given. We send our kids through 12 years of education for success in this world, but how much time have we given them & ourselves to learning from the Holy Spirit & Jesus? This is a way to increase learning, open the eyes of your understanding, however much time we allow for, all at your fingertips! There couldn’t be any more variety and powerful spiritual food laid out before us in such a time as this!

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…
-Hebrews 10:23-25

Dawn Francis