Angel Tongue
Under the blanket of day
The sun is long
Work is more than song
Raising life is full
Prioritize my eyes
Clear space to hear
The world demands all
Jesus, you are my King
Washing me free
Cycles of needs & wants
Simple, simple ingredients
To live radiantly
Heart aglow
No one can take
More than You give
Grace is at work
You, Father, handle the estate
You I fear
I, your child
You, the magnum opus
You loved me first
You know me
You cover me
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Forever and always with song
I hear you
We are One
In your Son
I am simple
I am Yours
I am grateful
I love You
Angel Tongue by Dawn Francis, a song of the heart, tongue of angels, an outpouring of love for the only true God and His Son in the Holy Spirit -7-28-24